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to what cannot be explained

Entre la galerie Foreman et le théâtre Centennial, Université Bishop's
2600 College St, Sherbrooke QC J1M 2K3, Canada

A bedside table is surmounted by books that overflow and create a mountain. A bed is tipping over, pushed by the amount of books. Over the bed, a paper-folded star is hanging off the ceiling. On a wall, a series of altered pages of a dictionary and mirrors are laid out, organically. On the next wall, behind the bed, a muddled poem series talking about philosophy, tales, and new ideas.


In an intent to take care of my chaos, I try to put on the same level of fragility and certitude, the dream imaginary, as well as the intuitive and intellectual minds.


>> Article in La Tribune,  July 11th, 2019



Maison des arts et de la culture de Brompton, June to September 2019

Adressées à l’intention des adultes cerné.e.s, blessé.e.s, malades, perdu.e.s, les berceuses prennent à mes yeux une forme de militantisme pour une lenteur si dure à retrouver dans ce monde épuisant.


Plus d'images et de détails (site web de la galerie) 

Expos POP-UP du ArtLab, Université Bishop's, Lennoxville, QC

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