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I look for definitions that can't be found in the dictionary. In the search of a proper definition for the word "care", I explore, among other things, the intersections between intuition and rationality. At the end of my studies in Sherbrooke, I asked myself: can one take care and cultivate their intuitions and work on complex rational questions at the same time?


My projects reflect my desire to make things meet, to make contradictions make sense. I weave a sense of coherence and meaning by playing with perceptions I have of myself, and the one I have of people I know. 

Pascal e has completed a DEC (College Education Diploma) in Creative Writing and International Questions (Politics) at Cégep du Vieux-Montréal in 2016, and a multidisciplinary certificate in Visual Arts and Philosophy at Université de Sherbrooke and Bishop's University in 2019. She works with poetry, music, performance art, installation, and much more. She expects to keep mixing all of those with more precision, audacity, and authenticity each time.

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